LDA Flip Flap Fraction Book

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LDA Flip Flap Fraction Book


Product code: EP00055770


8 brightly illustrated discs with pizza and pudding patterns. Using the hinged flaps, children can see the value of the fractions they have revealed, while on the reverse they will be shown the fraction value of the remainder. The "pies" have different diameters to represent differing denominations.

Set comes complete with a photocopiable 28-page class workbook.

Further Information

Age Suitable from
5 Years
Key Stage
Key Stage 1

8 brightly illustrated discs with pizza and pudding patterns. Using the hinged flaps, children can see the value of the fractions they have revealed, while on the reverse they will be shown the fraction value of the remainder. The "pies" have different diameters to represent differing denominations.

Set comes complete with a photocopiable 28-page class workbook.

Further Information

Age Suitable from
5 Years
Key Stage
Key Stage 1

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