PERCUSSION Plus Tambour Wood Shell - 8in

PERCUSSION Plus Tambour Wood Shell - 8in


Product code: E1875394

The tambour is a frame drum, played by hand and without the jingles of the more common tambourine. This Percussion Plus tambour is a smaller 8'' model with a strong natural goat skin head stretched over a strong, bright red wooden frame. It makes the ideal addition to a classroom percussion trolleySturdy red wooden frameNatural hide drum headPopular and versatile hand drumIdeal classroom instrument

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Key Stage
Not Applicable
Product Type
The tambour is a frame drum, played by hand and without the jingles of the more common tambourine. This Percussion Plus tambour is a smaller 8'' model with a strong natural goat skin head stretched over a strong, bright red wooden frame. It makes the ideal addition to a classroom percussion trolleySturdy red wooden frameNatural hide drum headPopular and versatile hand drumIdeal classroom instrument

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Key Stage
Not Applicable
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